Whether you have visited Northside a few times already or are just checking us out for the first time, we are glad that you found us! We know that sometimes your first visit can feel a little overwhelming or intimidating. Our goal is to make your experience as easy and comfortable as possible, helping Northside feel like home.


Saturday 5PM
Sunday 9:30AM and 11:30AM
4407 Charlestown Road
New Albany, Indiana 47150

Campus Map


Our services typically last about 65 minutes, beginning with live worship and a few brief announcements. The music is modern and upbeat, followed by our teaching for the weekend.
Feel free to arrive a bit early and grab a drink at our Northside Café! If you have kids, you can check them into our Kidside Ministry starting 20 minutes before the service. Coming early gives you plenty of time to get them checked in and settled into their classroom. After service, stop by The Living Room to grab your welcome gift on your way out!
Our amazing volunteers, easily spotted in orange shirts, are ready to welcome you and show you around. If you have kids, look for Door 2 on the south side of our campus for direct access to the Kidside check-in area. Otherwise, look for the door marked "Main Entrance."
Wear whatever you want and are comfortable in! We keep it casual around here.
Wondering what your kids are doing while you’re in church? Kidside is for children from birth to 5th grade during each of our weekend services. Our staff and amazing volunteers are committed to creating a fun and safe environment for children to learn about God. Find more details on our Kidside page.
We believe that following Jesus is a better way to live. That is the truth we point our students and young adults to. They have the chance to worship together and build friendships through small groups. We also encourage them to engage with the wider church by attending weekend services in the Main Auditorium and serving during the weekend.
MIDDLE SCHOOL - 6th-8th grade
Middle school students meet in the West Auditorium on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:30pm.
HIGH SCHOOL - 9th-12th grade
High school students meet in the Kidside Auditorium on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:30pm.
YOUNG ADULTS - 18-25 years old
Young adults meet in the Kidside Auditorium on Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:00pm.
Our prayer team would love the opportunity to pray with you. Simply stay in your seat after the service, and a team member will come by to pray for and encourage you before you leave. If you'd like to meet with a pastor, please call us at 812.945.8704, and our Pastor on Call would be happy to speak with you.
If you're facing challenges in your faith, have questions, or simply want to connect more at Northside, Next Steps is the perfect place to begin. To learn more about Next Steps, visit our Next Steps page.
Next Steps
Care Night is the right place for you if you are struggling with a hurt, habit, or hangup; grieving the loss of a loved one; or walking through another difficult season of life. A wide variety of support groups, along with recovery programs, are included. Visit our Care page to see available resources and Care Night information.


Service On Demand

This Week's Sermon